HI AIESEC!!! It's great for the first time I arrived in Malang in 5 am in the morning after 10 hours at my trip from Semarang! It's a long long trip with not really good car. I arrived in Deasy house. Thank you for Deasy and her beloved mom. Her mom was very nice to me, she prepare the breakfast, the lunch for me and I just came in the middle of mid test week. Ohh.. what I can do, I just have little time here and try to make it as effective as I can. Do the reasearch (enviromental scanning), LC EBs interviews and brainstorm with the LCP elect Rama Kristian. He is a nice guy! Truly Deeply.
Also the Geraldi who always picked me up from Deasy house. I really glad that EB ask me to have fun in Matos (Malang Town Square, it's a nice mal and big) I really enjoy the weather, it's so chilly and not so many people with really clean street.
Congratulation also for LC university of Diponegoro to win the cleaness competition among Student organization in Economic faculty. Great JOB!
Thank's for Guran, Gerald, Deasy, and Rama who chat with me until 4 am in the morning until I was picked up by travel to continue my LC visit to Surabaya...
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