Monday, May 14, 2007

Apa Kabar Indonesia

Hey Guys,

This is long over due, i appologies for the delay.

I have so much to tell you guys.. since so much has happened since getting on to the MC :)
Well after the selection i started getting to know few incredible individuals, who i will have the priviledge to work with for 1 year. This was mainly through online weekly meetings, which we all ensured took place even though there were techinical problems mainly from my side. Over here in Bangalore there are frequent power cuts, so it will be like i am at the meeting suddenly i wont be there... it was quite crazy... but definately fun never the less.

I think the most exciting time for me was general transition. I not only got to know the MC elect but also the MC current.. we had so much fun... even though there were problems like sometimes the microphone wont work, somethings the web cam wont, sometimes i ll ask for 2 sec breaks.. its was crazy. But what i really think is important in all this is that everyone, the MC current and Elect took so much effort in ensuring i was part of the transition, that i could listen and contribute at the same time. For me it was really effective since it helped me to understand the current situation also i got a lot of feedback on what to do for next year... so over all general transition was FANTASTIC!!!!

Well guys apart from all this fun stuff happening... i am right now caught up with preparing for my exams, which are at the end of this month and preparing for the Visa as well.. i have to thank you, Edja, about it, i mean u have been so helpful with it... i just hope our efforts pays off and i quickly get the visa...

Well guys thats it for now... i know i have written so much.. cant really help it once i start i cant seem stop :(

Well see you all very soon.