Hello, my name is Masaru Ashizawa.
Currently the MCVPOGX of AIESEC Indonesia 09/10 term.
Next, I want to share my experiences so far in my MC term.
This time, I summarized into 3 points to make it easy to read.
But surely I want to share more and more!
-Working in a whole different environment in a growing potential market and culturally diverse people
I get to work with diverse people among the MC team and AIESEC Indonesia by becoming MC from different country background. Although working in the same AIESEC network, I see the way organization run things are very different.
It is merely the difference of the culture in the organization itself.
One of the reason is due to the external environment which Indonesia has potential of higher growth as an AIESEC entity and in the market itself.
But most importantly, I feel it is because of the rapid development process that AIESEC Indonesia is currently running. From a country with no exchange opportunities realized to becoming APGN Top 3 rank in Q2 2009 and achieving NBBB award in IC2009 Malaysia!!!
To be specific, the environment I face can be assembled into "Passionate, High Ambition, Quick Action & Always working towards new solutions."
I absolutely feel very excited, honorable and challenging in working in this kind of environment and happy to contribute myself in here.
-Get international and diverse network
As an MCVP Exchange, I work closely AIESECers locally and globally to generate exchange and partnerships. Here I got to seize the global trends of AIESEC network and how we need to adjust and develop our supply to tap into new countries for partnership.
It requires building relationship management with people you never met before and virtual communication skills. I gain connection with people over 30 different countries and territories, and get to have experience in managing with all these people coming from different of background.
By being MCVPOGX, I am implementing not
"Act Local, Think Global", but "Act Local AND Global"!!!
-Being Representative of Two countries
As an International MC, I have the opportunity to become the representative of Indonesia and Japan. I am proud to represent two countries at the same time because this is a chance that I won't be able to expereience easily in my whole life.
To members of AIESEC Indonesia and in National Conferences, I introduce Japanese cultures, trends and lifestyles, in the otherhand, during international conferences or to external students, I become ambassodor of AIESEC Indonesia.
These are only few of the aspects of my experiences as MC in Indonesia.
Hope to share more during my remaining term in here!!!!
I am Member Committee of AIESEC Indonesia 09/10.
Do "YOU" want to be part of National Team???
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
MC in Indonesia Part I - Indonesia My Second Home?
My name is Feng Weiji, aka Cath. I am Chinese. I mean Chinese Chinese, not Chinese Indonesian. That’s what I’ve been telling to everyone. Indonesia is kind of an accident in my life – the thing that you don’t know, you don’t plan, you don’t dream. I still remember when I first arrived and everyone kept asking me what my impression was about Indonesia before I came. I honestly didn’t know what to say. Impression? I didn’t have any impression about Indonesia. That was how I was when I started my MC term in Indonesia. Blank.
I’ve been living in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and it’s been summer, and summer, and summer. If I tell you Jakarta is all that gorgeous and beautiful and exciting I’d be lying. Jakarta is so vast that it is all too easy to get lost, in traffic, and in translation. It’s easy to make me wonder why I am here in the first place. But Jakarta has what it takes to grab your heart – all that heat, all that traffic, all that people, all that vastness. As I sit in this cafe in Kuala Lumpur I miss it.
Indonesian people are more soft, patient, and religious than my people. I have come to appreciate Indonesia because of its people. Even in a language that you do not understand you find the people lovely. Well AIESECers even better. No doubt about that.
I have a house to stay in Indonesia. And we usually call it “home”, in context like “there is no egg and butter at home”. But I have realized that it is becoming a home to me – in the sense of “home”. Today I have come from my real home, waiting to get permission to enter Indonesia. It’s been a very difficult day, because I almost didn’t get it. Sheer frustration. As I was complaining to Masaru I said “I only wanna go home”. Then he said, “which home?”. Which home? I could feel the tears in my eyes.
I’ve been living in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and it’s been summer, and summer, and summer. If I tell you Jakarta is all that gorgeous and beautiful and exciting I’d be lying. Jakarta is so vast that it is all too easy to get lost, in traffic, and in translation. It’s easy to make me wonder why I am here in the first place. But Jakarta has what it takes to grab your heart – all that heat, all that traffic, all that people, all that vastness. As I sit in this cafe in Kuala Lumpur I miss it.
Indonesian people are more soft, patient, and religious than my people. I have come to appreciate Indonesia because of its people. Even in a language that you do not understand you find the people lovely. Well AIESECers even better. No doubt about that.
I have a house to stay in Indonesia. And we usually call it “home”, in context like “there is no egg and butter at home”. But I have realized that it is becoming a home to me – in the sense of “home”. Today I have come from my real home, waiting to get permission to enter Indonesia. It’s been a very difficult day, because I almost didn’t get it. Sheer frustration. As I was complaining to Masaru I said “I only wanna go home”. Then he said, “which home?”. Which home? I could feel the tears in my eyes.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
AIESEC Indonesia National Leadership Development Seminar
yeah !
the biggest event in AIESEC Indonesia is soooo coming !!
National Leadership Development Seminar 2009 !
the biggest event in AIESEC Indonesia is soooo coming !!
National Leadership Development Seminar 2009 !
when : 6th - 9th december 2009
where : Jakarta, Indonesia
countries participate : we get delegates and facilitators from 7 countries from all over ASIA PASIFIC!
picture : facilitators of NLDS 2009 AIESEC Indonesia
we are extremely happy to have 4 International facilitators that will bring inspiration, spirit, and super hype atmosphere during the conference.
Leadership Sessions
In leadership sessions, we discuss about why and how to be an effective one smartly.
This session aims to create a paradigm shift in the minds of delegates about the way they perceive leadership result a significant change in attitude and behaviors
Network Times
Not only meet delegates from another LCs, in NLDS Indonesia 2009,
you can also meet AIESEC Network (AI, AIESEC other country, GN Board).
Get inspired and get the answers of why delegates should activate their leadership through their stories.
Not only meet delegates from another LCs, in NLDS Indonesia 2009,
you can also meet AIESEC Network (AI, AIESEC other country, GN Board).
Get inspired and get the answers of why delegates should activate their leadership through their stories.
EP Track
One of distinctive session that makes NLDS Indonesia 2009 special is EP Track.
In this session, the EP will be more informed about their life changing experiences and how they think they can contribute the world related to the issue
One of distinctive session that makes NLDS Indonesia 2009 special is EP Track.
In this session, the EP will be more informed about their life changing experiences and how they think they can contribute the world related to the issue
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Yiiieey..!! Finally after NPM, we met again almost full team (except Cath since she’s still in China) in our MC meeting on May 27th – 29th at our new office in Kelapa Gading area. For three days, we talked about our personal thingy, team characteristic building, and ended it up by continuing our planning.
On the 1st day, should be started at 9 am, but we made it at 11 am! Since some of MCs (Andra, Dessy, and Noach) just come from Bandung, Masaru was stuck in traffic jam from Lila’s house, and I (Mya) was little bit sick, so I should take a rest little bit longer in the morning. When we arrived at the office, Jenni was ready to kick our asses; otherwise we treat her at dinner. Started from talking about Sempu Island stories, the post tour of Natcon 3, we could discover our characteristic individually. It reflected our role and contribution to the team as well. It was extremely interesting to know ourselves from such an outbound activity like that!
After that we discussed about MC Image in the NPM. We should know about image that we want to build and understand our contribution toward that. Because it’s a very interesting discussion, we forgot that we haven’t had our dinner yet! And for today’s dinner, we had it in a seafood restaurant around Kelapa Gading. Spicy but yummy! After back, we continue to discuss about feedback framework. Even feedback should be given in a constructive way! Then we talked about our working culture that we want to have. Coffee talks in the morning! After that the time was showing around 00.30 am. At first, we want to stay at the office together, but since Dessy was offering her house to stay and continue the meeting, then we moved there! Thanks DessY..
On the 2nd day, we did the meeting at Dessy’s house with full of foods! Dessy’s mom is so nice and she loves cooking! Thank you, Tante (it means aunty, our call for her mom). On this day, we started from our common vision and mission that is aligned with AIESEC International. From that we can know our contribution and align our target for next term. Then we discussed about our team character, and ended it up with personal talks about personal development with Jenni. After long talks, we had break for pray and dinner. Yuppy, we had dinner at traditional food place nearby Dessy’s house. There are fried rice, cap cay, sop kaki kambing, nasi uduk, etc. Very traditional foods from Indonesia with cheap price and yummy taste! Then we continued with discussing about conference cycle. So far we decided to have 4 conferences in this term with different focus in each conference. So cool!
On the 3rd day, we just had short meeting until 12am since all of us have other tasks to do as well. On this day, we focused on planning thingy. We updated about planning progress from each functional and decided a lot of tasks to be done for planning. And finally we decided our team name for AIESEC Indonesia 09/10, which is RAINBOW, with tagline Together We Shine!
Hopefully in term 09/10 AIESEC Indonesia will be really shining across the AIESEC network and in the world!
On the 1st day, should be started at 9 am, but we made it at 11 am! Since some of MCs (Andra, Dessy, and Noach) just come from Bandung, Masaru was stuck in traffic jam from Lila’s house, and I (Mya) was little bit sick, so I should take a rest little bit longer in the morning. When we arrived at the office, Jenni was ready to kick our asses; otherwise we treat her at dinner. Started from talking about Sempu Island stories, the post tour of Natcon 3, we could discover our characteristic individually. It reflected our role and contribution to the team as well. It was extremely interesting to know ourselves from such an outbound activity like that!
After that we discussed about MC Image in the NPM. We should know about image that we want to build and understand our contribution toward that. Because it’s a very interesting discussion, we forgot that we haven’t had our dinner yet! And for today’s dinner, we had it in a seafood restaurant around Kelapa Gading. Spicy but yummy! After back, we continue to discuss about feedback framework. Even feedback should be given in a constructive way! Then we talked about our working culture that we want to have. Coffee talks in the morning! After that the time was showing around 00.30 am. At first, we want to stay at the office together, but since Dessy was offering her house to stay and continue the meeting, then we moved there! Thanks DessY..
On the 2nd day, we did the meeting at Dessy’s house with full of foods! Dessy’s mom is so nice and she loves cooking! Thank you, Tante (it means aunty, our call for her mom). On this day, we started from our common vision and mission that is aligned with AIESEC International. From that we can know our contribution and align our target for next term. Then we discussed about our team character, and ended it up with personal talks about personal development with Jenni. After long talks, we had break for pray and dinner. Yuppy, we had dinner at traditional food place nearby Dessy’s house. There are fried rice, cap cay, sop kaki kambing, nasi uduk, etc. Very traditional foods from Indonesia with cheap price and yummy taste! Then we continued with discussing about conference cycle. So far we decided to have 4 conferences in this term with different focus in each conference. So cool!
On the 3rd day, we just had short meeting until 12am since all of us have other tasks to do as well. On this day, we focused on planning thingy. We updated about planning progress from each functional and decided a lot of tasks to be done for planning. And finally we decided our team name for AIESEC Indonesia 09/10, which is RAINBOW, with tagline Together We Shine!
Hopefully in term 09/10 AIESEC Indonesia will be really shining across the AIESEC network and in the world!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
On 21st of May 2009, MC of AIESEC Indonesia have the opportunities to have SG meeting in Mbak Habsari, who is also one of the Supervisory Groups members, Villa in Dago Bengkok, Bandung.
There are Jenni, Ap, Lila, Masaru, Noach, Dessy, and me (andra) who AMAZED with the beauty of the Villa. The villa is consist of two building of houses. One building is owned by Mbak Habsari and the other one is owned by her best friends. They build it together in the same land.
We had the chance to look around the villa. The villa is not big but it has many open windows, so it is has a very fresh nature air inside. The furniture is also makes us very comfortable, it is just like a getaway place for holiday ;). Moreover, there is continuous sustainable food offered by Mbak Ari, from the lemper, sweet bread, comro (unique food from Bandung) to the main dish, and if its already finished Mbak Ari always offer new food which makes us gaining more weight :D
Mbak Ari has a really sweet and lovely family. His husband is very warm, friendly, and also talkative. She has a two boys, the older is very smart, he can remembered all countries flags and the younger one is very friendly and cute.
Mas Bido comes later to mbak ari house. Since he became the SG chair, he conducts and led the SG Meeting. The meeting is discussing about being focus on your strengths, put 10,000 hours for your strengths, and to accelerate the learning.
1) Focus on your Strength
Never focus on your weaknesses! Focus on your strengths. We have limited time in this world so differentiate ourselves with the strengths that we already had. Do you know how to differentiate between hobby and strength? Hobby is something that we had the interest on it but strength is something that we had the interest plus everybody is recognize it and they also like it when we do it. So, if you also had the time to win some award then it means that people also recognized your strength
2) Put 10,000 hours for your strength
It has the research on successful people like David Beckham, Tiger Woods, and Bill Gates is putting more than 10,000 hours in the professional skill which also their strengths. They are practicing from the very beginning from every details to enhance and sharpen their strength. Bill Gates also learns how to make the computer not suddenly becoming CEO of Microsoft. So, its very that successful people put more time on their strengths. Even mbak Ari already manage her financial matters since she were young.
3) Accelerate Learning
Mas Bido suggest to us that AIESEC Indonesia should accelerate the learning process that they made now. The faster the learning process, the more growth we can get. That is why many successful people also becomes success at a young age. Mbak Ari also said that learning is can start anytime, even when she is still young she already manage her personal financial
The topic that we discussed is very interesting from 3pm until 6pm not only SG and MC who involved but also Mbak Ari’s boy is also joining the discussion. At the end of our meeting we had sharing time to discuss about what each of MC will going to do for the next term of 09/10 and their dreams. After the meeting finished actually, Mbak Ari is inviting us to have dinner together but unfortunately we had a meeting so we didn’t join the dinner. So, It was a really nice topic discussion in a very comfortable place. Thank you very much for SG who brings a very interesting topics and Mbak Ari for allowing us to conduct it in her villa.
MC AIESEC Indonesia 09/10
The Rainbow “Together We Shine”
Never focus on your weaknesses! Focus on your strengths. We have limited time in this world so differentiate ourselves with the strengths that we already had. Do you know how to differentiate between hobby and strength? Hobby is something that we had the interest on it but strength is something that we had the interest plus everybody is recognize it and they also like it when we do it. So, if you also had the time to win some award then it means that people also recognized your strength
2) Put 10,000 hours for your strength
It has the research on successful people like David Beckham, Tiger Woods, and Bill Gates is putting more than 10,000 hours in the professional skill which also their strengths. They are practicing from the very beginning from every details to enhance and sharpen their strength. Bill Gates also learns how to make the computer not suddenly becoming CEO of Microsoft. So, its very that successful people put more time on their strengths. Even mbak Ari already manage her financial matters since she were young.
3) Accelerate Learning
Mas Bido suggest to us that AIESEC Indonesia should accelerate the learning process that they made now. The faster the learning process, the more growth we can get. That is why many successful people also becomes success at a young age. Mbak Ari also said that learning is can start anytime, even when she is still young she already manage her personal financial
The topic that we discussed is very interesting from 3pm until 6pm not only SG and MC who involved but also Mbak Ari’s boy is also joining the discussion. At the end of our meeting we had sharing time to discuss about what each of MC will going to do for the next term of 09/10 and their dreams. After the meeting finished actually, Mbak Ari is inviting us to have dinner together but unfortunately we had a meeting so we didn’t join the dinner. So, It was a really nice topic discussion in a very comfortable place. Thank you very much for SG who brings a very interesting topics and Mbak Ari for allowing us to conduct it in her villa.
MC AIESEC Indonesia 09/10
The Rainbow “Together We Shine”
Yaaayy !! The term of AIESEC Indonesia 2009/2010 is starting already !
So proud that in the beginning of the term, the MC Team which consist of 7 energetic young people already selected and so ready to start the engine, fully passion and giving the best commitment towards growth and sustainability of AIESEC Indonesia.

MC Team 09/10 - The Rainbow
"Together We Shine"
\from left to right : Dessy (MCVP ER Non Corp&MCVP Comm), Noach (MCVP Talent Management), Masaru (MCVP Outgoing Exchange), Mya (MCVP ER Corp), Cath (MCVP Incoming Exchange), Jenny (President), Andra (MCVP Finance)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Supervisory Group Meeting of AIESEC in Indonesia
MC team had a SG meeting on May 23rd!!The meeting was comprized from MC08/09,09/10 and the SGs.
My first impression as experiencing the similar meeting in AIESEC in Japan,I was expecting a very formal and tight discussion.
The atmosphere of the meeting turned out to be very diffent then I expected,having meeting at a restaurant with eating and drinking, friendly and fun talks,and of course also the intensive discussion according to the agenda.
It was quite surprising for me to know that the relation with the SG is not only a partner giving critical feedbacks from a professional perspective but also listening and understanding about the situation of AIESEC Indonesia and the MC body.
That is why we can discuss our realities and also about our problems frankly, which makes the meeting very useful and essential for the MC. I am really looking forward to have further coaching and discussion about our conditions and reality in the next SG meeting!!
AND the greatest part is that we get treated for the whole meal and drinks!! Cant wait for the next time!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I am an AIESECer - Aidy Steveany
In 2004, I was joined AIESEC Bandung when I was at 3rd year in Padjadjaran and Parahyangan University. I chose AIESEC because I can see that AIESEC can become a perfect platform for me to practice my management and administration knowledge, gain practical experience, and expand my personal and professional network.
Personally, I see my every involvement in AIESEC as invaluable investment to develop my personal, interpersonal, and professional life. Joining international conference and involving in various activities in local and national level expanded my network and perspectives and two years of experience in operational and strategic level enhanced my analytical and entrepreneurial skills.
The development has been more than tremendous. Giving the best contribution, I learnt more than I could imagine. In many times, I fought my thought and my fear until I dare to apply as President of AIESEC Bandung 2006/07 and once more as President of AIESEC Indonesia 2007/08. At the end, It is rather sweet and not scary at all. These experiences are not easy but every leaders said, once we conquered it, it made us realized that people are able to do big things when they are dare to starting thinking about it and do it.
After my leadership experience, I did not stop with my personal and professional exploration in AIESEC. Moreover, I want to explore the world and new concept, social business. I went to Brazil to be part of Artemisia-Ashoka project through AIESEC Internship program. Working in a social business and helping them to build sustainability while learning for its model have given deep learning on transfering world capital to the poor.
From meeting with billionaire in Brazil to visiting the most slum and closed community in Brazil, I can see the meaning behind my work, my passion, and my aspiration. And now I have no doubt to take another stage of learning in life after my internship program in one of best university in Europe. Thank you to previous leaders in AIESEC who gave me a lot of inspiration and motivation to make all these happened in my life.
And AIESEC for these opportunities to make a life changing experience has become reality.
Aidy Steveany, I am An AIESECer